Monthly Archives: October 2019

What a connection to parent means to a child….

Parent Child Connection is illustrated as 11 year old boy shows Stepdad a video he made of their time together

2 minute video that hints at a childs desire to belong, to be part of something, and hints at the joy the 11 year old feels when in the company of his step-parent. Even when a family still lives under the same roof, it takes some effort, awareness and availability on the part of the parent or caregiver to create a relationship with their children like this. Sometimes there can be reasons why this sort of connection isn’t possible.

Parent Child Connection

What was your experience like of being parented or looked after by a guardian?

What was your Parent Child Connection like?

To Book a Session with Guy

Introductory Evening: A Band of Brothers

Circle Lite:

Thursday 31st October 7pm – 9.30pm Jubilee 77 Hall Sorrel Road, Oxford OX4 6SH

If you are a young men age 18- 25 don’t miss out if you are struggling, need to make a change in your life and you’re ready to make a commitment. – Or know someone who is – this is your chance: JUST SHOW UP to learn more.

If you are a men over the age of 28, whether interested in becoming a mentor, making referrals or supporting through funding – come and find out how you can get involved.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Thought provoking animated style video about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Although this Video is in animated form, you may see aspects of yourself in this video…You may be reminded of yours or others history. You may experience an emotional response watching this.

We could say the video is a little simplistic. It implies that getting help via police and social worker is the way to resolve or get past Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). It may also imply that if you have an Adverse Childhood Experience then you will be more likely/or inevitably suffer later in life. It is not inevitable. Many factors are relevant in considering the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences. These include the natural resilience of each person, the nature and number of difficulties and the nature and number of supportive influences and Protective factors or Counter-ACES in a young persons life.

You may find that Counselling is one of the many ways that you can come to terms with. and help understand Adverse Childhood Experiences

Where do you see yourself in this video? (Adult to child in 90 moving seconds)

This 90 second advert produced by Barnardos is very insightful in illustrating how difficult events in early childhood can affect through all stages of our growth to becoming adults.

The Advert is not showing specifically what Counselling is (apart from sitting opposite someone and talking) but shows how the adult has evolved from the child. Also shown is how the adult behaviour is influenced by childhood experiences.

You might take a different meaning from it. Whether you are a woman or a man which part of this video speaks to you or provokes you?

Counselling can provide an opportunity to explore your evolution from child to adult and/or how your childhood experiences may affect you now

Becoming an Orphan at 25

Adults as Orphans? Emotional Orphans when parents are not available?

We traditionally think of orphans as children. What happens when an adult becomes an orphan owing to the physical loss or death of parents? If someone is older then perhaps its expected. But what if the death of parents is when someone is younger or not expected?

Can we define a concept such as an “emotional orphan”? Perhaps it is someone whose parents are alive but not emotionally available to them. There are many reasons why a parent may not be able to be available to their young children or grown up adult children. Addiction, workaholism, being wrapped up in their own difficulties, lack of awareness, problems in how parents were parented, ie intergenerational challenges can all be reasons for a parents non availability from an emotional perspective.

This is harder to recognise and perhaps goes under the radar at a societal level but the effects can be just as challenging. Unpicking and becoming more fully aware of how our relationships with our parents affected us is one of many things that can be explored through counselling.

This Guardian article explains the experience of someone who became an orphan at 25

Placement for Trainee Counsellors in Oxford

Long Term Counselling Placements
Oxford Mens Counselling Service Logo

Long Term Counselling Placements for Men & Women Trainee Counsellors in Oxford

Oxford Mens Counselling Service is recruiting trainee counsellors for long term placements. working with Men. Most placements only offer short term work, so this placement offers the benefits of long term work. Free Monthly supervision Groups are also included.

Female and Male trainee counsellors of any modality are invited to contact.

Please contact Will Bentley for further information on 01865 422 363. Please leave a message if necessary