Category Archives: Societal Values

Learn about yourself with other Men

Mens Counselling/Help/Sharing/Therapeutic Group starting September 2022 Mondays Headington PM. Lasting for 90 minutes this is a chance to listen, talk, observe, share, feel, be, express. Let’s see what subjects emerge between us. Facilitated by Guy Turton. Interaction between us will be encouraged. It will NOT be 1 to 1 counselling with a lot of people watching you. Please contact HERE for further information and HERE to contact me

Searching for the Anti-Virus | Covid 19 as a Quantum Phenomenon

Thought provoking article by Martin Winiecki…part of which is below

“I’ve struggled to make sense of what is going on. My suspicious mind wandered around restlessly, examining all theories and possible explanations, yet I must admit: I don’t know what is happening. I do know this is a crucial moment of choice for humanity. In this essay, I will not suggest or discuss “what is going on.” I rather want to invite you into a realm transcending the dichotomy of “objective reality” vs “subjective thoughts/feelings,” which underlies most theories, predictions and calls to action in this crisis. Coming from a spiritually-informed holistic worldview, I entertain the possibility that we as humanity – or some deeper part of ourselves, whether conscious or not – have dreamed this moment into existence as a catalyst for our collective evolution. If that were true, how might we engage and respond? Covid-19 could actually present an unlikely possibility for collective awakening and far-reaching system change

Early years support sets a child up for life. It should be a national priority

Guardian Article: In these precarious times, we need something even more ambitious than Sure Start

“What we need, to ensure the mental and physical health of future generations, is something far more radical and far-reaching than Sure Start – nothing less than a revolution in public policy on the early years. We need parenting classes for girls and – crucially – boys built in to the education system; and psychological support for all new parents, to stop damaging patterns being repeated”

Being vs Doing

Western society values Doing much more than Being.

Article from ‘The Ascent’ goes into this in more detail

Doing can be measured, can be seen by others, and can often me monetised

Being is hard to measure, is less visible and often doesn’t generate money

Doing can have a function of blocking out or avoiding or making it harder to tune into our deeper wisdom, intuition, perception and feelings.

This is an example of something that can be explored in Counselling for some people

‘I thought I was a lost cause’: how therapy is failing people of colour

Black and minority ethnic people are more likely to develop mental health conditions but less likely to access counselling – or find it fit for purpose. Are more BME therapists the answer?

I think the interventions and views taken by the therapists in this article are flawed. They were not being led by the clients experience but were trying to impose their own views, which is a mistake.

Long Term Offenders have different brain structure

Guardian Article explains ” Parents should not worry about their teenagers’ delinquent behaviour provided they were well behaved in their earlier childhood”

“……. adults who had a long history of offending showed a smaller surface area in many regions of the brain compared with those with a clean track record. They also had thinner grey matter in regions linked to regulation of emotions, motivation and control of behaviour – aspects of behaviour they are known to have struggled with….”

Passing Wisdom through generations

How good are we at passing between generations our learning though experience ?

We are great at documenting and passing material, scientific, technical, and factual information between generations. Year on year more discoveries are made and progress is made as a body of wisdom is generated…..

Or is it?

How good are we at passing between generations our learning though experience, our learning about things that can’t be measured….things like

-Feelings, Thoughts, Intuition, Perception….our Psychology or

-Experience in Relationship, Marriage, Choices, Life, Vulnerability, Daring to tell someone how we feel, taking a risk, opening our hearts?

Alain De Botton in this article likens this absence of sharing of the latter things to being similar to asking each generation to discover the Laws of Physics for themselves…..How crazy would that be?

Passing wisdom through Generations
Alain De Botton, Why are we so selective about sharing our learning?

Counselling can be one way to learn the type of Wisdom that is harder to measure and harder to pass from one generation to another

If you’d like to organise a first session please click here

What is missing in Modern Mens Work?

Can the phenomenon of absent fathers ever be a blessing in the life of their sons, rather than the curse it is conventionally purported to be?’

What can it learn from Queer Theory, Transgender and Non Binary Stances?

Sons of our Fathers, an article from Therapy Today covering Trump, Zuckerberg, Mythology, and placing modern mens work in context by Manu Bazzano who is a therapist, supervisor and visiting lecturer at Roehampton University and the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London